pork fish rolled in pork belly
Please enter how much meat you want to use under "Portions" (decimal places are allowed). The required quantities of ingredients will then be calculated automatically.
Variant 1: cold smoked & brewed
Separate the pork cheeks from the rind, cover with cling film and gently tap out
Leicht salzen (Pökelsalz) und mit Knoblauch und Pfeffer würzen (sollte ein Goderl Stück zu klein sein, ein zweites danebenlegen.)
Place the seasoned fillet head on top, roll it up tightly and place it in a roasting net.
Vacuum seal the piece and cure it for 6 days at refrigerator temperature.
Nach dem Pökeln gut abtrocknen und ein mal für sechs Stunden in den Kaltrauch geben.
Direkt nach dem Räuchern für ca. eine Stunde leicht in der Rinderbrühe köcheln lassen. Danach direkt servieren.
Variant 2: from the oven (without smoke)
Separate the pork cheeks from the rind, cover with cling film and gently tap out
Season lightly with salt (table salt) and garlic and pepper (if one piece is too small, place a second one next to it.)
Place the seasoned fillet head on top and roll tightly.
Place the rolled piece in a roasting net and cook in the oven at approx. 180°C for 1,5 hours, adding beef stock several times.
Side Dishes
Steamed white cabbage or sauerkraut and fried potatoes. A real treat!
Good luck wishes Schinkenwurstler Hans
A recipe from https://www.raeucherwiki.de